Solo Tour, 2nd leg, New Zealand

After three and a half months I’m back on the road an continue the Solo Tour.

Time to say THANK YOU! to those who have put me on my feed again.

Juergen, who took me straight under his wings and made sure  I got contact to the right persons in order to get the nessessary help.

Dr. Sterry, Dr. de Groot and especially to Dr. Dunkel who made me fit for riding again.

Birgit & Soenke, Michaela & Szymon and Elli who have offered me accomodation for the whole time. Without your help I had to sleep under bridges! 😉

Claudius for countless deep discussions.

Juegen again, who gave me his motorbike for test rides.

And, of cause, to my family  and friends who supported and encouraged me to continue the tour.

Cheers to all  of!!!

And on I go…

3 thoughts on “Solo Tour, 2nd leg, New Zealand

  1. Artikel 3, Kölsche Grundgesetz: Et hätt noch immer jot jejange! Wa!
    Dann wünsche ich dir ne super tolle Tour!
    Nur dieses BVB-Rädchen…. tststs…
    Es grüßt, die alte Dame :-))))))))))))

  2. Ich freu mich auf neue Berichte vom ‘natural born Fabulierer’ 🙂
    Geniess Deinen Trip !!!

    Lieben Gruss, der Ollie

  3. Schön, dass du gut gelandet bist. Wir wünschen dir viele neue und tolle Eindrücke und eine entspannte Reise. Viele Grüße aus dem Koala Pub in Prag (Sind ja Osterferien 🙂 ) Raphael und Anja

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